Monday, March 5, 2018

How Hopelessness Enters Christians' Life

How Hopelessness Enter Christians' Life

Hopelessness is serpentine. It is deceptive. It is a friendly foe. It is an uninvited guest that burgles into a brighter soul and cart away all potentials; leaving the victim with unfulfilled destiny.

Have you ever wondered what could be responsible for someone's decision to commit suicide?

The answer to the question is hopelessness. Yes, a chronic hopelessness.

Everyone was divinely bestowed the heart of gold. Synonymously, you can use other words such as bravery, heroism, confidence, etc.

Satan or maybe carelessness is responsible for replacing people's heart of gold with hopelessness via unforeseen disastrous circumstance(s).

Thank God that people's hopelessness can diagnosed thus:

In a victim, what are the symptoms of hopelessness? Where can hopelessness be found in a victim?

In the faith (not trusting the scripture nor believing in God)

In the face (an always frowned face)

In the act (a constant inferior act)

In the heart (always afraid of everything)

In the tongue (negatively oriented)

In the status (totally resigned to poverty, dislikes reading and learning)

In the health (never physically fit yet hates the gym)

In the hygiene (always with smelly armpit, feet, teeth, plus odour emitting underneath the panties)

In the grooming (habitual unkempt hair, bushy beard, musky skin)

In the wardrobe (wearing crumpled clothes and unpolished shoes)

For any christian with the opportunity to see this post, it's never too late to start making changes.

For the scripture says in Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for HE who promised is faithful".

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